Spring Term 2023 January to March dates and session details
Oak - Southampton Common
6 sessions this term
Session 3
Readings from Session 2. Leader Barbara
6th October: The Last Good Man by Thomas McMullan - Mike will lead a discussion about the novel on 6th October.
Search results | Hampshire Libraries (spydus.co.uk)
Leader Mike
Session 2
Readings from Session 1. Leader George
Places of Poetry: Mapping the Nation in Verse (anthology) Places of Poetry: Mapping the Nation in Verse by Paul Farley (goodreads.com)
Mike has suggested a format which I'd like us to try for this session - we each choose a couple of poems that we particularly like or dislike, and take it in turns to share them with the group, along with our thoughts, responses, feelings, etc.
I have a couple of extra hard copies of the poetry anthology I can lend out, or there's this link where all the poems seem to be available digitally Places of Poetry
Session 1
Welcome back to Waterside Writers
First session of the new term. Readings. Leader tbc
Creative Games. Leader George
Unfortunately cancelled
Autumn Term 2022 September - December dates and session details
Whittenham Clumps - Paul Nash
8 Sessions this term
Summer Term - Week Seven
Zoom for the last time this summer …..
Readings all round - Pot Luck
Mandy will host the first half with any character homework pieces
Barbara will close the term with a Pot Luck session of favourite pieces from this year of
Waterside Writers 2019 - 2020
It is hope that by the Autumn, George will be back in charge - there might be an AGM to organise??
Summer Term - Week Six
Zoom Time
Mike will lead the first half of the session introducing any homework writing from his session on
interpretation and intertextuality
Mandy will lead the second half of the session and this will be a Workshop on Character
Summer Term - Week Five
Zoom Time
Stan will lead the first half introducing the homework poems
Mike will lead the second half on interpretation and intertextuality:
In preparation for the session familiarise your self with Ode to a Nightingale Keats
and the novel Tender is the Night F Scott Fitzgerald
Summer Term - Week Four
First half - Monica will host readings from ‘Where to start a story’ (10:30 - 11:10)
Second half - Stan will host a poetry writing workshop (11:15 - 12:00)
Summer Term - Week Three
Zoom time again
First Half Barbara- Readings around the theme Impact: (formatting, shaping, inventing, placing, spacing)
Second Half Monica will lead the session on Every Picture Tells a Story
Judith and Holofernes
Judith and Holofernes, fresco painted by Michelangelo (1508-1512)
Donatello, Judith and Holofernes, 1455–1460
Gustav Klimt, Judith 1; Judith and the Head of Holofernes, 1901
Caravaggio, Judith Beheading Holofernes, c.1599
Artemisia Gentileschi Judith Slaying Holofernes painting c.1612
The Canterbury Tales (c.1390) The Monks Tale De Oloferno Geoffrey Chaucer
Judith (1994) Vicki Feaver
Summer Term - Week Two
Zoom Time
Zoom Session 23 April 2020
Paul Fisher – It was a quiet morning in September – feedback/help
Peter Thorpe – Wake Up Call The Guided Tour
Barbara’s Session: Impact: (formatting, shaping, inventing, placing, spacing)
The following readings followed by discussion:
maggie and milly and molly and may (Monica)
Chansons Innocentes: I (Barbara)
Spring is like a perhaps hand (Stan)
Live each season (Mary)
Emerson, a proverb, Hokushi (Paul)
Earth Wisdom (Claire)
Pine Tree Tops (Mike)
And …. two to leave you with:
Night Song of the Fish
All The Little Hoofprints
Summer Term - Week One
Zoom trial
you will be invited by Barbara to join the session
Bring a favourite poem or short Flash Fiction to read in the session and be ready to defend your choice!
This can be original self-written or by a published author. Please confirm to Barbara in advance whether you will be joining the event. You can attend in pyjamas but you must wear something!
Spring Term - Week Six
Long Read followed by A new theme Where to start a story introduced by Monica - Postponed
New Session: First half - Sion (chairing the read out of his homework ‘exposition’). Second half Creative Workshop led by George (with Easter eggs?)
Spring Term - Week Five
First half - Readings led by Kathryn.
Second half - Sion will lead a discussion around ‘exposition’ Thanks Sion!
Spring Term - Week Four
Guest speaker Ed Harris. Writing for theatre and radio.
Ed is an award-winning playwright and poet. He has been Chichester Theatre’s Writer in Residence, and his Radio 4 comedy series, Dot, has recently been re-commissioned for a third series.
Spring Term - Week Two
Readings (Barbara) and New theme Endings and Resolutions introduced by Mike
Spring Term - Week One
Readings ( George) and Short Non-fiction - Pia Gosh-Roy “Separated by the Wingspan of a Moth” introduced by Barbara