Bel Canto. Beautiful singing. It permeates this story set in a backward Latin American state. Hoping for investment, the government lures a Japanese CEO to the capital by holding a birthday party for him and inviting the CEO’s favourite singer, a world famous American diva, to perform. Terrorists storm the international gathering, aiming to kidnap the President and demand freedom for the people. But the President is at home watching his favourite soap on TV. Kidnappers and kidnapped alike are stuck. How will they react?
We looked at the book’s main theme of human commonality, people coming together. They appreciate the diva with her wondrous music, the translator with his command of languages, the governess with her sewing needle, the Red Cross man with his negotiations. The siege releases time for both learning and loving, despite orders that ban emotional ties.
We discussed how far the main characters change during the story. The diva, for instance, not the terrorists, begins to take charge, her singing shaping the day. Love of music brings her and the usually-restrained CEO together, emboldened by the threat of possible death. Likewise the translator agrees to teach a young terrorist languages and they fall for each other, while the French Ambassador now appreciates and adores his absent wife.
How has the writer approached her task? The omniscient viewpoint helps her enter the main characters’ heads, while she fills the novel with humour (the President’s absence due to a TV soap opera) and symbolism (the fog that imprisons the house but clears as love breaks out).
We examined the main story elements as demonstrated by Ed’s session. The opening and closing, for instance, are mirror images. At the beginning, terrorists storm the party; at the end, government forces massacre the terrorists.
Follow-up work was to write on one of three options:
1.The Kiss (description or poem)
2.The Song that Changed my Life (flash fiction)
3.Dialogue between 3 people of different backgrounds, one of whom has more power than the others.