The New Forest: Setting, Sanctuary and the Supernatural - by Kathryn Barton

In 2018 I became a Master of Philosophy in Creative Writing.  As part of my thesis I was required to provide a collection of short stories linked by place.  I chose the New Forest, in particular the area in and around Lyndhurst.  Pure laziness on my part:  I live there, so not too much on-the-ground research required.  That was the fun part, taking known places and imagining people and situations into them.  The other part was academic research, which is definitely not my forte.  I called the overall thesis ‘The New Forest:  Setting, Sanctuary & the Supernatural’ and analysed various writers who used the New Forest, concentrating on those three categories.  The collection of stories was entitled Haunts & Shades.

Once the dreaded Viva was passed and the thesis shelved, I looked at Haunts & Shades as a viable manuscript and wondered what to do with it.  The dream would be to illustrate each story with an appropriate photograph and market the collection as a glossy publication for the tourist trade.  Given the present state of traditional publishing, not a project that would appeal to an agent, let alone a publisher.  Self-publishing would be too arduous.  So the collection, neatly filed in an attractive folder, gathers dust on a shelf.  But perhaps one day…