Day can be scorching sun or grizzly grey, sudden storms or fog
Night can be ghastly glow of street lights
Security lights blazing on and off
For No Good Reason
(now I have that off my chest)
Or the silver beams of our jolly round moon
A glistening maze of stars
The slow progress of a plane’s flickering tail light
Across the sky
But evening has more facets
Than either of these jewels
From first sky blush
The suspicion of pinkiness
To apricots and tangerines
And spills of iodine
And crushed blue velvet
Not to mention uncountable shades of grey
Changing moment by moment
And so calmed, prepare yourself for night.
Not the physical night of ‘out there’ but
The nightscape of your mind ‘in here’.
Evening – I commend it to you.
Do turn off your phone and watch it sometime