Flash Fiction

In Memoriam Anthology - Words (and some art)

In Memoriam Anthology - Words (and some art)

Autobiographical Introduction

This is not the booklet I would have prepared if I had a blank canvas and infinite time. Sadly I have very limited time, so have brought together what I feel are my ‘best pieces’. There is no theme, the art does not reflect the words, or vice versa. Take them as individual observations, some recorded in paint (though I often use pen and ink) or in words.

I have spent too much of my artistic life trying to please other people. Various art teachers told me to be ‘bold and colourful’ when I wanted to be delicate and muted. I was willing to give the ‘bold colour’ a go, and some turned out ok. But now I regret I didn’t spend more time developing a distinct style of my own.

Most of my serious writing has been done since 2000. I always wanted to write, from childhood, but felt I was not imaginative enough. I was discouraged from writing anything ‘dark’, which to me meant ‘interesting’. Only later in life was I encouraged by writing tutors to ‘find my own voice’. When imagination was lacking, I realised I could rearrange factual events, real places and people. It was fun to sometimes pair up two characters based on real people who would have never met in real life. Observations of nature (or the urban landscape) might end up as background detail in a short story, or as a free-standing poem. I never had any ambition to write a novel, and rarely read them. I was always more intrigued by plays or short stories on BBC Radio 4. In just 15 minutes you could be transported into another person’s life and see a drama unfold and change that life.

I thank especially Waterside Writers who encouraged and appreciated my work and helped me understand what modern poetry all is about.

Written and compiled by Tessa Davis, New Forest, 2019

who wishes to be known as the author or artist of this work, but at my demise, waives all claim by my estate to copyright, fees or royalties, and places it in the public domain.